You pathetic stupid idiots have to remember every single female organism I’ve picked out for myself to marry me only ever of the opposite sex- the darker sex (that Ian the darkest of all of which)- and be my woman only forever had to have never gotten a tattoo ever. The only exception to that ever is just one tattoo as long as if it’s diameter is smaller than the diameter of a current us 10 or 1 cent coin though that could be just the length of the longest side of said tattoo if it is rectangular in shape..
Danke Baby, hast mich gerade zum spritzen gebracht nach gerade einmal 2,5 min. Schwanz raus, Hände auf den Rücken und dann handfrei spritzen,was das Zeug hält. Meni Riesenbusenschnellspritzpimmel kann nicht anders bei solchen geilen Riesentitten.